Wolverhampton, pending the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook

Wolverhampton, pending the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook

Fosun International arrived in Wolverhampton in 2015. Becoming the majority shareholder of the club, the Chinese conglomerate bet on an institution with a lot of history in England to start its sports strategy. In the hands of millionaire investments, today the Wolves are one of the animators of the Premier League and currently playing the Europa League.

But this novel present, since last Friday lives moments of uncertainty since the airline Thomas Cook, one of the investments of Fosun International, went bankrupt. Being one of the most representative companies in the world of aircraft, the closure of the aircraft fell deep in Wolverhampton and the confusion about the future to come is the most important issue in the day-to-day life of the "Wolves".

According to the English media, Wolverhampton President Jeff Shi would have initiated talks to sell the percentage that corresponds to Fosun International. Despite this, from the Chinese conglomerate, they deny that the Wolves suffer repercussions but the possibility of the loss of 1 trillion dollars (the investment of the group) begins to take force.