The Argentine Rugby Union and Los Pumas showed their new logos

The Argentine Rugby Union and Los Pumas showed their new logos

The UAR presented today its new logo, which separates the figure of the puma from the initials of the entity in the search that the institution is not associated only with the figure of the selected senior. Now, on the one hand, the silhouette of a rugby ball is presented with the initials of the UAR inside it and, on the other hand, the puma logo appears to represent the national team.

“In recent times, the Argentine Rugby Union has grown in various aspects, in addition to the game, with new platforms, teams, development, communication, among others; For all this, in our image we produce a change of identity, where we define a corporate logo to be used by all members of the Union. The next step led us to return to our origins, where the emblem that identifies us since the historic 1965 tour was used only by our senior national team, so that the Puma is used only by Los Pumas”, said the president, Gabriel Travaglini.

"It was a process that began with the development of the identity of our women's team, Las Yaguaretés, to then rearrange all our identifying logos of the UAR assets, beginning with Los Pumas, Pumas Seven, Pumitas, Argentina XV, Jaguares, Pampas, Las platforms Connect Rugby, Rugby 2030, Rugby Seguro, the National Club Tournament, the Interior Tournament, the Regionals, the Sevens of the Republic, the Select 12 and the Argentine Youth”, he concluded.