Real Madrid, the club that made more money in 2017/2018

Real Madrid, the club that made more money in 2017/2018

Like every year, Deloitte released his report "Deloitte Football Money League". The same shows the economic activity of football teams and after three years of absolute dominion of Manchester United, Real Madrid returns to the top after achieving a bill of 750.9 million euros.

To make this report, Deloitte takes revenue for sales of tickets, television and marketing rights. Just the last area is the largest profit generator for the main teams and in the specific case of Real Madrid, in the 2017/2018 season, it earned € 356.2 million and in the other € 251.3 million (TV TV) and € 143.4 million ( tickets).

After Madrid, Madrid is located behind. The Catalan team follows the steps to its Spanish par after having dropped 690.4 million euros. While Manchester United fell to the third position with an income of € 666 million.