Puma unveiled the new Independiente shirts

Puma unveiled the new Independiente shirts

The football life of Independiente has undergone major changes in this recess. After two years with Ariel Holan as coach, Sebastián Beccacece is the successor and will face important challenges such as CONMEBOL Sudamericana and the Super League.

In the face of these meetings and celebrating the ten years of commercial relationship that unites them, Puma unveiled the new Independent clothing. Based on the long history of the club, the German brand has chosen two outfits that have the particularity, that for the first time in the institution, two different qualities "Pro" and "Replica" are offered.

This strategy will allow fans to opt for one or another model. The big difference that governs the “Pro” and “Replica” shirts is that the first one is designed for the professional player, being made with a fabric with Jacquard wefts giving elasticity; High coverage capacity and resistance. Meanwhile the second has another type of technology and quality, but it is the same as they have jackets such as Milan and Valencia.

As for the models, Puma maintains the characteristic red in the titular shirt but adding the detail of a fringed red stripe on the part of the shoulders like the 70's model. On the other hand, the substitute jacket, after 35 years, becomes white again, a decision that was very celebrated by the fans.