Philips joins Budweiser during the Copa América

Philips joins Budweiser during the Copa América

It is not always necessary to be an official sponsor of an event in order to achieve presence within it. With intelligence and a clear strategy, brands seek different alliances to reach their audience. This time, Philips is associated with Budweiser during the Copa America to show its new product ONE blade (razor) in the Bud Basement, enclosure created by the mark so fans can enjoy the matches on big screen. Since last Friday, the brand installed its Barber Shop within the space where it offers to cut, tidy up or cut the beard of the fans.

The action of the brand is part of a new positioning, which seeks to reach the consumer male and amateur sports. "Sport is part of the life of Brazilian consumers, mainly young men, with this new positioning and actions on TV and events, we want to show that the Philips ONE blade is a solution compatible with the lifestyle of modern man" , said Lucas Cyrino, marketing manager of OneBlade at Philips in Brazil.

Photo: Courtesy
Source: Maquina Do Esporte