"New conquests"

"New conquests"

November 28, 2020 was a historic date for Argentine women's football. Under Law 26,743 on Gender Identity, Mara Gómez became the first professional transgender soccer player in the country, and defended the colors of Villa San Carlos by participating in the Women's First Division tournament.

One year after that historic moment, Mara became an ambassador for the visibility of the problem that transgender people have to access professional sports. In pursuit of joining this fight and supporting future soccer players, Nike presented “New Conquests” the campaign starring the current Estudiantes de La Plata player.

“Playing sports promotes better school performance, provides greater personal confidence, helps mental health and promotes greater self-esteem, among many other benefits. From Nike we invite, together with our athletes like Mara, to inspire people from all over the world to know the power of sport and its benefits ”, expressed Marcos Sundblad, Marketing Director of Nike Southern Cone.