Juventus rises in the stock market

Juventus rises in the stock market

Only a few weeks ago, everything was uncertain in the streets of Turin. A 2 to 0 down in Madrid, jeopardized the dreams of Juventus to continue in the Champions League and conquer the long-awaited orejona but appeared Cristiano Ronaldo and achieved a hat trick that deposited in the Quarter Finals. All feat brings great economic results and this time was not the exception, since the shares of the Italian group quoted up in the stock market with a gain of 16.11%. Said The securities exceeded the 26% gain in the opening and were momentarily interrupted by an excess of growth.

These results were pushed by the performance of Cristiano Ronaldo, who gives life to Juventus in the Champions League but also makes it one of the candidates to stay with the title. According to specialists, the trend will continue at the end of the day but will enter a plateau until Friday where the draw for the Quarter Finals will take place.

Photo: Courtesy