Aeroman celebrated the end of the year with Fernando Morientes and Fernando Palomo

Aeroman celebrated the end of the year with Fernando Morientes and Fernando Palomo

2018 has been a year full of emotions for Aeroman. The Salvadoran company that offers the best aeronautical maintenance service, closed a great year with inaugurations of new Hangars and historical numbers based on great teamwork. To celebrate and close the internal campaign called "Champions", former Spanish footballer Fernando Morientes and local journalist Fernando Palomo carried out a unique event. The great scorer of Real Madrid between 1997 and 2005, surprised the employees during a different morning and dedicated several minutes to tell them their thoughts; the responsibility of leadership, teamwork and the commitment to be at the highest level of work.

Morientes was accompanied by Fernando Palomo, a friend of the house who, with hard work and humility, came to the United States to become one of the most popular Spanish-speaking rapporteurs. The 2018 World Cup Russia was a great motivation for the company to demonstrate that sports and everyday work have a lot in common.

Photo: Marca en Zona