Inter inaugurated a new headquarters in the center of Milan
Inter inaugurated a new headquarters in the center of Milan

Inter inaugurated a new headquarters in the center of Milan

Internazionale de Milano or simply Inter, lives a present of transition in football. Regaining its prestige little by little, the group that knew how to be champion of the UEFA Champions League and of the World in 2010 wants to return to the first planes of Europe and Italy of the hand of an orderly and avant-garde club.


For them the positioning and the accretion of "brand" is fundamental. For this reason, Inter opened new offices in the center of Milan. In the "The Corner" building, the Nerazzurri will have five floors and a terrace with a 360 panorama of the entire city.

This investment will give Inter the possibility of creating work and positioning spaces that were previously only linked to the head offices. With sectors reminiscent of stars of their institution or countries of legendary footballers (for example the Argentina room), this venue will be called "Inter HQ". In addition, visitors can visit a museum of the institution to learn more about it.