Bundesliga seeks to broadcast in video format 9:16

Bundesliga seeks to broadcast in video format 9:16

Television changed the way of watching football. With the arrival of black and white transmissions first, then in color and then in high definition; TV is the main method of sport transmission but mobile devices begin to impose on it.

With the possibility of accessing the content from anywhere and at any time you want, the option to view it in horizontal format before the vertical is imposed between users. That is why social networks like Instagram created the “TV” division with 9:16 format, and the accounts adapted to it to generate special content for this style.

Under this concept, the Bundesliga is conducting tests to broadcast their league matches in 9:16 format. By changing the way they record them, the German event showed how camera managers and operators begin to watch the game in a different style than usual. Betting not to lose any detail and separating it from what would be the television content, the Teutons take an important step in the world of Internet 3.0.