Diego Reyes joins the social networks to the "Feeling Champion" campaign

Diego Reyes joins the social networks to the "Feeling Champion" campaign

With just 23 years, Diego Antonio Reyes is a symbol of the Mexican football team that he argues is the historic Copa América in the United States. Born from the lower of America, the defender won the Mexican honeycomb's honeycomb for his delivery, his values, sacrifice and, above all, the love of the selection shirt. With all these features, "La Perlita" was chosen by MasterCard to perform different viral actions in the framework of the "Feeling Champion" campaign for all Mexico.

After being a fundamental contributor to the successful Mc Donalds "Amigos Olímpicos" viral campaign, Marca en Zona joins MasterCard and provides the production of Social Networks with the hiring of the Mexican soccer player who raises the campaign from his Twitter with consignas daily. This campaign is based on an exhaustive study with more than 3,000 fanatics to determine the pathology of these during the meetings. With the Argentineans like the most superstitious or the Brazilians as the most proud of their colors, the data collection has an essential and particular point, is it almost impossible that what a swing does influence the result?


Ultima práctica antes de nuestro primer juego. Vamos por los tres puntos. #SentirseCampeon es creer en uno mismo!????⚽️ pic.twitter.com/LwBRnrF0Qt

— Diego Reyes (@Diego_Reyes13) 5 de junio de 2016